Customised Menu

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12 лет назад
Hi there,


I want to create a custom flyout menu at the top of the site.

I have the css / jquery set-up but need to get the menu items but cant figure it out.

I want the top category in the main menu and all the sub categories to show on the fly out, should be hard as they will all be <ul> <li> tags. Can anyone tell me how to get these elements? from there i should be able to work something out.

12 лет назад
DW Jenkins wrote:

I want the top category in the main menu and all the sub categories to show on the fly out, should be hard as they will all be <ul> <li> tags. Can anyone tell me how to get these elements? from there i should be able to work something out.

Hey David,

I am going to assume by top category you mean the root category of the catalog?

If you are trying to customize the output for the default category menu system in nopcommerce the easiest solution would be to create a custom theme then use an overrided custom view for your theme. This will allow you to change the <ul><li> parent child hierarchy for that theme while maintaining the core nopCommerce view integrity.

One other thing of note, the default CategoryNavigationModel does not reference the categories children. If you need this functionality your best option may be to write a widget plugin?

I've actually written this plugin but I am unable to get it working on a production or staging server running IIS7/7.5. Once it's running I intend on delivering it as a package in the extensions section.
12 лет назад
The solution that generate the basic lists for all categories was published
12 лет назад
nopworks wrote:
The solution that generate the basic lists for all categories was published

Wouldn't this solution require you to modify the nopCommerce catalog controller thereby causing headaches if there were upgrades to the base code? The method I have used makes the navigation a pluggable widget with a few configuration options (setting of root category id, horizontal menu, vertical menu, turning the title on and off for vertical menu's and setting it's text).
12 лет назад
For base code, need customization of source code.
If you have better plugged solution, please post here.
12 лет назад
Hi David,

We have already done such a menu you are talking about for one of our themes.
I don't mean to advertise the theme here but just to illustrate the main menu.
You can best check the live demo here:

So if you guys think this is what you want and it might be useful we will be glad to productize it and offer it as a FREE plugin.

Hope this help!
12 лет назад
Nested category lists seems to be something that people seem to ask about frequently for nop, so I was pretty surprised when I could find nothing instructing me how to make it happen when I first started looking.

The solution I came up with was all I could figure out in the time I had to spend on the issue. I used the solution for returning all categories found elsewhere in these forums as a starting point, which also involves changing the controller base file. I never like changing core files of cms/frameworks if there are other way's of doing it, so I'm glad to hear there are ways of doing this without worring about it being overwritten on the next update.

If anyone has a ready made plugin they are willing to share, or instructions on how to make the proper nested list structure without changing core files I'd also love to hear about it. In the meantime, I'm glad I was able to help out with those looking for the same thing that I was.
12 лет назад
This was done ages ago, i use to have it running on V1.9, it pulled all the categories and sub categories from the database.

As you can see here:
12 лет назад
7Spikes wrote:
Hi David,

We have already done such a menu you are talking about for one of our themes.
I don't mean to advertise the theme here but just to illustrate the main menu.
You can best check the live demo here:

So if you guys think this is what you want and it might be useful we will be glad to productize it and offer it as a FREE plugin.

Hope this help!

I would love to see this as a plugin.

12 лет назад
Hi guys,

Thank you for the feedback!

It seems like there is some interest for such a plugin.
Let's put it like this then:
If this post hits 10 likes we will immediately spend some time to package it and release it as a FREE plugin.

Many thanks
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