Question on changing Page Names and URLs?

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12 лет назад
Hello All,
In the system I renamed Manufacturers to Distributors.  When I go to look at an invididual Distributor or view All, the URL is point to http://domainname/manufacturer/all.  What is the method for renaming the page/URL so I do not break anything?

Thanks for the help!
12 лет назад
madv1457 wrote:
Hello All,
In the system I renamed Manufacturers to Distributors.  When I go to look at an invididual Distributor or view All, the URL is point to http://domainname/manufacturer/all.  What is the method for renaming the page/URL so I do not break anything?

Thanks for the help!

Assuming you're using 2.x:

You'll want to look into the RouteProvider and find the associated route. This should fix most of the links, but if any links were hard coded in HTML you'll need to do a find and replace. If possible you should document them as you go so a developer task can be created for fixing hard coded links.
12 лет назад
Thanks Skyler...I am running the non-source code version. Will I still be able to do this?
12 лет назад
madv1457 wrote:
Thanks Skyler...I am running the non-source code version. Will I still be able to do this?

I do not think the change I suggested is possible with the no-source version. You could use IIS7 URL rewriting to change the url's though. I don't know how great of a solution it would be, maybe someone else can give their opinion on using URL rewriting for this task.
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