Different Prices/Product Quatities for different user role

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12 лет назад

I am setting up a site and want to be able to sell to both normal customers and then wholesale to businesses. I understand that I can add a customer role and then add a discount to that role, is there any way to actually change the products that that customers see? So

Visit site as normal customer => see normal products

Log in as normal customer => see normal products

Visit as business customer => see normal products

Log in as buisness customer => see different producst (mainly collections of existing products sold at discount)

I read another thread saying that a similar feature is available since 1.6, but can't find it in the user guide for 2.1 i bought.

Thanks in advance and also thanks for the great software!
12 лет назад
You need tier prices. Admin area > Product variant details page > 'Tier prices' tab
12 лет назад
Thank You!

I'll give that a try later and comment back exactly how I did it.
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