
I've a site with 2000+ products and variation with more images. The images are stored into DB. Nop is 1.9v and server i a virtual machine.
I've done all optimization on machine, but the first time, page loading took 15/20sec. So I've activeted .Net outputcache.


Is it possible that blob images slow down site? Sql server process take 40/50% of CPU.
I think that there are some queries that are slow...I see this from SQL Monitor that took 450ms

[Project1].[LocaleStringResourceID] AS [LocaleStringResourceID],
[Project1].[LanguageID] AS [LanguageID],
[Project1].[ResourceName] AS [ResourceName],
[Project1].[ResourceValue] AS [ResourceValue]
  [Extent1].[LocaleStringResourceID] AS [LocaleStringResourceID],
  [Extent1].[LanguageID] AS [LanguageID],
  [Extent1].[ResourceName] AS [ResourceName],
  [Extent1].[ResourceValue] AS [ResourceValue]
  FROM [dbo].[Nop_LocaleStringResource] AS [Extent1]
  WHERE [Extent1].[LanguageID] = @p__linq__0
)  AS [Project1]
ORDER BY [Project1].[ResourceName] ASC

So...I thinked that I move to phisical server...Is it a good idea?