Installing nopcommerce on test server with an existing database

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12 лет назад
AndyMcKenna wrote:
Is your FTP program set to transfer in ASCII format or Binary?  I had the same thing happen last week.  A lot of the nopCommerce config files are .txt and rely on newlines.  If your FTP program is transferring them as ASCII it can mangle the newlines and the app can't connect to the DB so it assumes you want to reinstall.

This happened to me with Settings.txt and plugin description files.

You are right regarding the settings.txt file!!
nopCommerce is expecting \r\n, I had only \n, and kept getting the installation page.

I fixed that and now I get a different error:
Compiler Error Message: CS0104: 'TopicModel' is an ambiguous reference between 'Nop.Admin.Models.Topics.TopicModel' and 'Nop.Web.Models.Topics.TopicModel'

But that's a whole other topic!! So people, look out for line endings in your settings.txt file. Use Notepad++ :)
12 лет назад
Vote for a fix to the config files here:
12 лет назад
AndyMcKenna wrote:
Vote for a fix to the config files here:

I'm not sure if FTP transfer has anything to do with it? Maybe it just depends on what your text editor uses as line breaks, CR+LF or just LF before you upload it. Well, I voted it up anyway. They could split by both?
12 лет назад
I already voted too, great that we found the cause of this. thanks for the help
12 лет назад
domagoj wrote:
Vote for a fix to the config files here:

I'm not sure if FTP transfer has anything to do with it? Maybe it just depends on what your text editor uses as line breaks, CR+LF or just LF before you upload it. Well, I voted it up anyway. They could split by both?

When it happened to me I hadn't opened a single file yet.  Once the FTP setting is changed and the files re-transfer, everything works.  All without opening a text editor.
12 лет назад
AndyMcKenna wrote:
Vote for a fix to the config files here:

Fixed. Please see changeset 40f5e0cb6501
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