How I fixed my Flash issue in Firefox

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12 лет назад
Now that Steve Jobs is no longer around, I moved to the number 1 spot in the list of people who hate dealing with Flash. I was just reading how even Adobe is going to abandon Flash as well for mobile devices and is going to push HTML5.  Reminds me of the scene in Clockwork Orange in which Michael McDowell's parents don't let him move back into his room when he gets out of jail because they like the nice tenant they took in.

Usually (and Hopefully), my Flash issues are limited to placing a .swf file on the home page.  I tried copying the Flash code into the HomePageText found in Content Management, Topics.  The Flash worked in IE and older FireFox on a PC.  But, it didn't work in latest version of FireFox on my Windows 7 laptop or Safari on the Mac.  It kept displaying to default message to download the Adobe Flash plug-in.  After trying to install the plug-in several times, I said to myself "why does it work on the client's old site but not the new one I am creating?".  So, it had to be related to  nopCommerce and Topics.

I removed the Flash markup from the HomePageText and place it directly into the \nop.Web\Views\Shared\Home\index.cshtml file and it works!  Yeah!
12 лет назад

I'm having the same issue I have added the flash code in the hometexteditor as so

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" height="455" width="455"><param name="movie" value="flash.swf" /><!-- Optional params --><param name="play" value="true" /><param name="loop" value="true" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><!-- END Optional --><embed height="455" loop="true" play="true" pluginspage="" quality="high" src="T.swf" width="455" /></object>

but on the front end using chrome, firefox and IE I get Missing plugin, could you possibly help mw where i'm going vwrong and how and where to implement the nessercary code changes.

kind regards

12 лет назад
Did you try my suggestion of taking the Flash out of the home page topic and placing it directly into the home index.cshtml file?
12 лет назад
Hi Louisd

I have directly wrote into the index.cshtml page - here is the code

Html.Action("TopicBlock", "Topic", new { systemName = "HomePageText" })
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="450" height="277">
  <param name="movie" value="ConcordBanner.swf" />
  <param name="quality" value="high" />
  <embed src="ConcordBanner.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="277"></embed>

The first image is showing but the flash isn't play the next two images. Any help would be grand.

Kind Regards

12 лет назад
wertyuio1 wrote:
Hi Louisd

I have directly wrote into the index.cshtml page - here is the code

Hi wertyuio1,

We just blogged about adding an advertising flash banner in a nopCommerce topic.

Hope this helps!
12 лет назад

Thank you for the link I will try and implement this afternoon.

As stupid as this may sound I'm running on a development server and I know how to change the link etc but where do I find the root file should I create it in Presentation/Nop.Web.

Kind Regards

12 лет назад
\nop.Web\Views\Shared\Home\index.cshtml .  I saw a patch from a few days ago regarding FireFox.  I'll let you know if that fixes the problem as well.
12 лет назад
wertyuio1 wrote:

Thank you for the link I will try and implement this afternoon.

As stupid as this may sound I'm running on a development server and I know how to change the link etc but where do I find the root file should I create it in Presentation/Nop.Web.

Kind Regards


Yes on the development machine the Root folder is Presentation\Nop.Web folder.
And you should probably use localhost with a port  if using the development server or the application name if you use IIS.
12 лет назад

Yes I created the folder in VS10 and placed the SWF banner in there. I wrote the code in the homepagetext editor and it came up with "Alternative content"

I am running of a localhost server and replaced http// with localhost:etc

The first image appears but the second and third don't?? In the generated html viewer I seen to have various pieces of code underlined in red for example localhost, ConcordBanner.swf classid="clsid etc I have the latest plugin downloaded but it just shows the first image??

Once again again Kind regards

Very grateful for all help.

12 лет назад
wertyuio1 wrote:

Yes I created the folder in VS10 and placed the SWF banner in there. I wrote the code in the homepagetext editor and it came up with "Alternative content"

I am running of a localhost server and replaced http// with localhost:etc

The first image appears but the second and third don't?? In the generated html viewer I seen to have various pieces of code underlined in red for example localhost, ConcordBanner.swf classid="clsid etc I have the latest plugin downloaded but it just shows the first image??

Once again again Kind regards

Very grateful for all help.


Hi Richard,

Could you open this link and tell me if you can see the banner which is under the video.
The code that it uses is exactly the same as the one in the blog.
How do you add the code snippet? Did you used the plain Html editor?

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