Fix for very slow ISS first time loading?

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12 лет назад

I have earlier read here at the forum that people had big problems with slow loading times when the nopCommerce application haven't been active on the IIS for some time.

Have you tried the new feature for the webconfig of 4: Autostart?

Joe Stagner also bescribes it very good in this video:
12 лет назад
Thanks a lot. I'll create a work item

P.S. It works only on IIS 7.5
12 лет назад
Oh, okay. But doesn't everyone use the newest technology ;p

Looking forward to see the solution implemented in the version of nopCommerce. I will try it out myself this weekend or first thing monday morning. I will come back with the result :).
12 лет назад
I see it will not be standardly implemented because of the location of some files.

But maybe some example files/snippets can be included?
12 лет назад
ajhvdb wrote:
But maybe some example files/snippets can be included?

Include where? You have to manually open an appropriate file (C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config) and apply the required changes (as described it in the original post)
12 лет назад
I need to explain myself better, sorry.

In the video there is a page/class created which is called when the startup automatically occurs.

Which should I use with nop? create it self or use an existing default one?
12 лет назад
Did you ever figure this out? I watched the video and all just wasnt sure what type of custom class how to implement it.

Using the latest version of nopcommerce
ajhvdb wrote:
I need to explain myself better, sorry.

In the video there is a page/class created which is called when the startup automatically occurs.

Which should I use with nop? create it self or use an existing default one?
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