Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'c.validator.methods[...]' is null or not an object

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12 лет назад
Every time when I lookup any combo and click any place of page after that - I have error message from validator.
nC ver. 2.20, IE 8.0

Only for combo without style (see picture)
12 лет назад
You're absolutely right. It works fine even this validation error is displayed. But I don't know how to this fix and what causes it. Maybe, updating all jQuery scripts to the latest version will fix it (I'll test it a bit later)
12 лет назад
Just pointing out that the same holds for v 2.30 as well. I'm in the process of changing the jquery scripts to their latest versions, and I'll post the results as soon as I test them.
12 лет назад
jquery 1.7.1 (latest) seems to break superfish, but v. 1.6.2 seems to work ok, and I'm not getting the validation error anymore.

I haven't changed the validator script - only the jquery main script.

12 лет назад
Upload please necessary file(s) and say more detailed solution. Only change one js with other or need additional steps?
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