Is it possible to add an extra free-form field in Paypal report besides CUSTOM field?  For example columns "Item Title" and "Item ID"?  I appriciate any hint for doing this. Thanks a lot.  Tram

These are the fields that I see in the daily activity report.
Date   Time   Time Zone   Name   Type   Status   Gross   Fee   Net   Reserve   From Email Address   To Email Address   Transaction ID   Counterparty Status   Address Status   Item Title   Item ID   Shipping and Handling Amount   Insurance Amount   Sales Tax   Option 1 Name   Option 1 Value   Option 2 Name   Option 2 Value   Auction Site   Buyer ID   Item URL   Closing Date   Escrow Id   Invoice Id   Reference Txn ID   Invoice Number   Custom Number   Receipt ID   Address Line 1   Address Line 2/District/Neighborhood   Town/City   State/Province/Region/County/Territory/Prefecture/Republic   Zip/Postal Code   Country   Contact Phone Number  