Product Variant Publishing

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12 лет назад
I unpublished some products in my store last week and then published them again this week. However the products did not show up in my store. It took me a few mins to find that the product variants had also changed to unpublished. I don't know how this happened as I only unpublished the products, not the product variants. I don't use multiple variants for products so would have no need to unpublish variants.

Anyway once I published the variants again they showed up fine.

Something else I also noticed was when product variants are unpublished and I do an export of my products, the products that have the variant unpublished do not export in the xls sheet.

So I have two questions:

1. Does anyone know how my product variants would have been set to unpublish by just unpublishing the products?

2. If product variants are unpublished should the products not export to and xls sheet with all other products?

PS. I am using nop v2.2.

12 лет назад
1. No, actually it works fine on the demo site
2. Fixed. See changeset b1e4e819b5d5. Thanks
12 лет назад
Thanks Andrei,

Very quick as always :)

Is this fix only for v2.2?

Also, I am probably always going to run into this problem as I am using the "no-source" version of the files and obviously most fixes come for users to fix using the "source" version of the files. Can you tell me how, or is it even possible, to take my live "no-source" files and fix them using the "source" files? Do I just run the fix against an original copy of the 2.2 source files and just replace some files in my live version on my site?

Many thanks in advance...
12 лет назад
This fix is for all 2.X versions.

You could download "source" version (you need 2.20), apply the fix, recompile it, and then upload new Nop.Services.dll to your server
12 лет назад

I have downloaded your fixed files and compiled. Now when I replace the "Nop.Services.dll" I get the below error -

Method not found: 'System.Nullable`1<System.Decimal> Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog.ProductVariant.get_SpecialPrice()'.

I am using the plugin "Dynamic Pricing for Precious Metals", I think this may be the cause, what do you think?

If it is does this mean I cannot use this, or other plugins if I want to apply fixes you guys provide?

Edited @ 21:40- No, not this plugin. I replaced my original Nop.Services.dll, uninstalled this plugin and put the rebuilt Nop.Services.dll back again and still get this error. Don't know what to do now.


12 лет назад
You downloaded the entire package (upcoming 2.40). In this case you should update the entire site to the latest version.

If you want to fix only this issue (in 2.20), then follow the next steps:
1. Download "source" version (you need 2.20)
2. Manually apply the fix (edit /Libraries/Nop.Services/ExportImport/ExportManager.cs file in Visual Studio)
3. Recompile the solution
4. Upload new Nop.Services.dll to your server
12 лет назад
Thanks for this Andrei,

This is now fixed. I was replacing my Nop.Services.dll with the one from the 2.3 build as I just downloaded the whole changeset and used these files, doh! I manually made the changes to the 2.2 source files like you advised and after compiling and uploading it worked fine, and the problem is fixed. This is the first time I have successfully applied a changeset fix that actually worked so thanks for your help.

One other quick question, can you advise what files need to be replaced on my live site after applying changeset - 9da05e4bc0e2?

Do I just replace Nop.Services.dll again?
12 лет назад
12 лет назад

I managed to get this sorted, but only by using your build. When I tried to use my own build it does not work.

I have edited this post Andrei as it was a bit long-winded :) Maybe you can just answer below.

I have it working fine now with your build but I am just worried if I have to make changes again in the furture and now I have different versions of v2.2 source files with changesets applied.

Does the latest version of the 2.2 source files on the nopCom site have all the latest changesets applied, or should I be applying all my changesets to the same 2.2 source files?
12 лет назад
glennlawr wrote:
I am just worried if I have to make changes again in the furture

Yes, if these changes are not included in the official package (for example, your custom functionality)

glennlawr wrote:
Does the latest version of the 2.2 source files on the nopCom site have all the latest changesets applied, or should I be applying all my changesets to the same 2.2 source files?

There's no the latest version of 2.20. There's only one version of 2.20 (released on October 11, 2011). There's also 2.30 version. And upcoming 2.40 version (not released yet but can be downloaded here)
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