Resource string is not found for product prices!

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12 лет назад

I am running v1.60 and my error log system is getting flooded with entries like:

Message:  Resource string is not found
Exception:  System.Exception: Resource string (£8.00) is not found. Language Id =7

And it is happening all over the website according to the log's error page URL and referer URL.

This error has me absolutely stumped. Obviously I can't go on adding all possible prices to the Language resource strings to resolve the problem. Does anyone have a clue of why this error is happening? Why is nopCommerce even looking for prices in the language resource strings?
12 лет назад
NopCommerce doesn't look for prices in the locale string resources. I assume you have modified the source to your store because this error would occur when a formatted price string, instead of a locale string resource name, is passed to a localization method.

For example, the following would cause the same error you are seeing:
In order to locate the problem, can you post the page URL (from the error log) where the error is occurring (remove the domain if necessary)?

12 лет назад
After scouring the code with multiple REGEX searches I finally found the offending code:

                //lblOrderSubtotal.Text = GetLocaleResourceString("MiniShoppingCartBox.OrderSubtotal", GetOrderSubtotal(shoppingCart));
                lblOrderSubtotal.Text = GetLocaleResourceString(GetOrderSubtotal(shoppingCart));

I inherited this heavily modified nopCommerce store more than 6 months ago and the previous developer's remnants never ceases to amaze me.
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