Change Default view mode, grid or list

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12 лет назад
can you add the possibility to change the Default products view mode?
Actually to do it, i'm foced to edit manually the sources.
12 лет назад
currently its not possible out of the box. You will have to change the source to do that. If you need help then let me know.
12 лет назад
Thanks, but I've already done that, editing source code. But I would can do it, through a simple setting in admin panel, to avoid to edit each nopcommerce release and recompile...
12 лет назад
Yes I totally agree, I have the same question. Maybe the nopCommerce developers can answer this. It is such a SIMPLE addition it won't take 5 mins to integrate but somehow they are ignoring it. There might be a very good reason for it :-)
12 лет назад
infiniti wrote:
Maybe the nopCommerce developers can answer this.

Sure, we'll add a setting allowing store owner to change the default view mode in the next version
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