Quickbooks integration

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14 лет назад
I am working for the company that makes Quicbooks Connection. However, I think it's not nice trying to sell some thing here where people expect free helps. So If you are interested in the add-on, please send me a private message.
14 лет назад
Hi All,

I just spoke with Hien who is working on developing the QB Connector for nopCommerce.  It's only version 1.0 but he said he's planning to develop it more and have it be more full featured.  I'm not sure if it will work for us quite yet but based on his plans I think it will be really good.  I haven't seen it yet, but I'm excited that someone is working on a version to share with the community, even if it's not free (his is only $35 right now).

Here's what he has as of today:


14 лет назад
so anyone has got any experience of using "http://www.usasupportcenter.com/Products/7-quickbooks-connection.aspx"
any kind of feedback would be appreciated...

14 лет назад
This does sound very interesting.

any comments on this yet?
14 лет назад
I guess nopCommerce Team is planning to implement this feature of Quickbooks in 1.6version. So, let's hope for the best

Here is the roadmap of 1.6version
12 лет назад

For nopCommerce 2.x, my business has several commercial QuickBooks plugins available:




They sync orders, customers, products, payment and shipping methods between the two systems. If you have questions, please contact me:

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