How to Install Spanish lenguage package!

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12 лет назад

How do i install the Spanish lenguage pack?? I donwloaded it but now what??
12 лет назад
What NopCommerce are you using? . . .

I have 2.30 and I did it like this:
1.- unzipped the file and put the file in a accessible path.
2.- Log in as administrator and go to the admin seccion
3.- then go to: Configuration > Language and press the button "Add New"
in the menu write:
Name: Español
Language culture: look for the package if it is from Spain you can pick "es-SP, Spanish (Spain, International Sort)", or if from Mexico pick "es-MX. Spanish (Mexico), etc, etc, this is from the drop down menu.
Unique SEO code: sp
Flag image file name: for mexico is mx, from Nicaragua is ni (or you can search the one you need by going to Content > Images > flags
Published: check
4.- Select "Save and Continue Edit"
5.- Select "Import resources"  and a little menu will appears, so click the "Browse" button and look for the path wherre you put the language file you unzipped, then press the button "Import resources" (this is the little button that appears in that little menu).  
6.- Wait . . .  it'll take a several seconds . . . when it finished downloading click "back to language list" and you'll see it there.

This will be added, and you'll be able to see it in a drop out menu together with the English language. If you just want to have one language then you have to uncheck the Publish button of the language you want to hide.

Hope this help.
12 лет назад
Liz wrote:
What NopCommerce are you using? . . .

I have 2.30 and I did it like this:
1.- unzipped the file and put the file in a accessible path.
2.- Log in as administrator and go to the admin seccion
3.- then go to: Configuration > Language and press the button "Add New"
in the menu write:
Name: Español
Language culture: look for the package if it is from Spain you can pick "es-SP, Spanish (Spain, International Sort)", or if from Mexico pick "es-MX. Spanish (Mexico), etc, etc, this is from the drop down menu.
Unique SEO code: sp
Flag image file name: for mexico is mx, from Nicaragua is ni (or you can search the one you need by going to Content > Images > flags
Published: check
4.- Select "Save and Continue Edit"
5.- Select "Import resources"  and a little menu will appears, so click the "Browse" button and look for the path wherre you put the language file you unzipped, then press the button "Import resources" (this is the little button that appears in that little menu).  
6.- Wait . . .  it'll take a several seconds . . . when it finished downloading click "back to language list" and you'll see it there.

This will be added, and you'll be able to see it in a drop out menu together with the English language. If you just want to have one language then you have to uncheck the Publish button of the language you want to hide.

Hope this help.

Y despues? Cómo elijo el idioma español como predeterminado?

And then? How I choose Spanish as default?
12 лет назад
freezer27 wrote:

Y despues? Cómo elijo el idioma español como predeterminado?

And then? How I choose Spanish as default?

En admin>configuration>languages asigna el 1 al display order del español (y 2 o mas a los otros)

In admin>configuration>languages aset 1 to display order for Spanish and (2 or more to other languages)
12 лет назад
eadameg wrote:

Y despues? Cómo elijo el idioma español como predeterminado?

And then? How I choose Spanish as default?
En admin>configuration>languages asigna el 1 al display order del español (y 2 o mas a los otros)

In admin>configuration>languages aset 1 to display order for Spanish and (2 or more to other languages)

Tengo instalado el pack de Español y le pongo el indice en 0 y el inglés en 2 pero me aparecen todas las opciones como "Administration.nombre_de_la_opcion". Cuando le doy guardar me redirecciona al login, a cada rato me pide loguearme, no entiendo esta porquería.

Igual cuando importo el XML del lenguaje, ME PIDE LOGUEARME para después decirme que no existe el recurso. Bien pendejo :@
12 лет назад
Ok, in order to pick just one languange, in this case Spanish do this:
1. Login in as administrator
2. Go to Configuaration > Location > Languages
3. Click on "Edit" for the English language. this will take you to Edit Language Details menu
4. Uncheck "Published"
You'll have only the published language, in this case Spanish.

ok, para escoger el idioma espanol tenes que:
1. Log in como administrador
2. Ir a Configuration > Location > Languages
3. Click en "Edit" en el idioma Ingles. esto te llevara al menu de Edit Language Details.
4. Deschequea la opcion de "Published"
Ahora tendras solo un idioma publicado que es el espanol (ya que el ingles lo despublicaste! jiji)

Espero que esto te sirva
11 лет назад
this spanish resource file exist ? or the xml need to be created from zero ?

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