Data Design.

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12 лет назад
Quick question I know you are all busy,

I have added a new feild in the dbo.product.

ALTER TABLE [Nop].[dbo].[Product]
ALTER COLUMN PacksPerLayer nvarchar(400)

In the model created a public String

public string PacksPerLayer { get; set; }

In both ProductTemplate_Grids.chtml

<div class="Packs Per Layers">
                         @T("Packs Per Layers")<text>:</text>

Whilst updating the CSS code appropriately.

In the overview My PacksPerLayer Div is displaying fine on the front end.

But my the data isn't displaying in the table I'm using the number 8 for testing purposes.

I have tested it as Public - decimal, string, Int and bool.

Int displays 0
bool display false
string displays nothing
decimal displays 0

On manually change the sku code in the Db that works fine

I'm hoping you would be able to advise me briefly on this on what I'm missing.

Kind regards

12 лет назад

It is clear what you are trying to do. But what do you mean by?

"On manually change the sku code in the Db that works fine"
12 лет назад

I have created a new field in the db and testing a manual update in the row. To display on the frontend. So I have updated the existing entity from the Nop.core, my model, view but I'm missing the controller from what I have been advised I'm currently working through the procedure.

With the sku I just changed a number in the Db to see the change in the display. Which does.

Richard :)
12 лет назад
Hi Zong

If you don't mind me asking what I am missing?

I was advised to modify the Controller to say, "this field in the Model should be filled with this value from the Core object.

All help would be highly regarded.

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