Adding new topics to the top menu in v2.4

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12 лет назад

I have added the following code to menu.cshtml after the "New Products" link so that my new topic pages have a link on the top menu:

<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("FAQs")">@T("Topic.FAQs")</a> </li>

However the site errors. I am new to MVC/Razor - is this syntax incorrect?

Kind regards

12 лет назад
12 лет назад
Managed to work out the correct syntax myself. Just in case anyone else needs it:

<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SystemName = "FAQs" })">@T("FAQs")</a></li>
11 лет назад
Hi, I'm also very new to this MVC/RAZOR and even new to nopCommerce. I wanted to add new menu items. Could you please let me know detailed steps on how to do this? Or this is the only single line of code i have to add in Menu.cshtlm file.

Your Help is highly appreciable.
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