Search and sitemap not working on 2.3

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12 лет назад
The sitemap & search menu links when clicked always return me to the homepage regardless of which page I'm on. Same issue on the search button as well.

Any ideas where I need to check ?

Neither of these bits of code are getting hit....

public ActionResult Search(SearchModel model, SearchPagingFilteringModel command)
    //Not getting hit

public ActionResult Sitemap()
    //Not getting hit
12 лет назад
Hi, did you ever resolve this? I'm having the same issue, but in 2.4!


12 лет назад
No sorry. I think I'd made some change in the source that affected the routing. I had a number of other issues as well and had to rollback some changes until they worked again.
12 лет назад
ok, thanks for the quick reply, i've done a global search on for "sitemap" to see if any plugins etc override the routes but nothing, strange that only those are effected, i've made a lot of customisation so could be a long day!


12 лет назад
I've resolved it, I had changed the topic URL to be just "{SystemName}" (so all my pages were friendly)

I moved this to the bottom of the route provider all all was resumed!
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