Cant access Admin area

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14 лет назад
I just had nopcommerce installed on my hosting account by I'm trying to access my admin pages but cannot. I've used the default email and password for the administration page and I've tried URL+/administration/. I'm not an experienced website builder and I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions? Thanks.
14 лет назад
I have the same issue. When I try to go to the admin page it redirects to the store login screen with the generic template content. Please help.
14 лет назад
You log in at the store and it shows administration at the top right and then press on that.  This will take you to the true administration.  Hope this helps!
14 лет назад
Yeah you can either go to the Administration link or the regular login link.   You then login with the email address you provided when installing with password "Admin".  This should login you as the admin user with an Administration link now available besides links for Register, login, and Wishlist.  This took me a while to figure out as well.
14 лет назад
default user name:
[email protected]

hope this help:)
14 лет назад
there was same problem with me just change the connection string in the exactly format below and it will work fine

Data;Initial Catalog=DBNAME;Integrated Security=False;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=USER;Password=PASSWORD;Connect Timeout=120

with regards
Kutbi Nahar
Sr. Software Engineer
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