PayPal Standard HTML Page - The Nop Billing Address value is displayed as Shipping Address

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12 лет назад
Whenever you try to pay with your Credit Card and Ship the items to a different address, the PayPal plugin sends the Billing Address to PayPal.

NOP FILE    >> Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalStandar.PayPalStandarPaymentProcessor
PROCEDURE >> public void PostProcessPayment(PostProcessPaymentRequest postProcessPaymentRequest)  
     (see bottom of procedure)

On PayPal,
if you are using your PayPal Account, the BILLING ADDRESS is displayed as SHIPPING ADDRESS.
if instead you using the Credit Card (click on "I don't have a PayPal Account") the BILLING ADDRESS is displayed as BILLING ADDRESS.

This might cause problems with customers that see their Billing Address appear as Shipping Address within the PayPal form.

I wonder if there is way to pass both addresses and have PayPal display the right one on each scenario.
Else customers might decide to cancel as it's not clear why the wrong address is under the wrong place.

Let me know
12 лет назад
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