Shopping cart single product

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12 лет назад
Is there an out-of-box way to define that certain products are grouped and that only one product in said group can be added to the cart at any given time?

For example I have 3 main products of which only one should be allowed in the cart. So if someone adds product a) to the cart and then later trys to add product b) it should remove product a) and replace it with b) or simply alert the user to this condition and have them choose the course of action. In other words it should not be possible for any customer to pick more than one product from the "group". Its either a), b) or c).
12 лет назад
degree451 wrote:
Is there an out-of-box way to define that certain products are grouped and that only one product in said group can be added to the cart at any given time?

For example I have 3 main products of which only one should be allowed in the cart. So if someone adds product a) to the cart and then later trys to add product b) it should remove product a) and replace it with b) or simply alert the user to this condition and have them choose the course of action. In other words it should not be possible for any customer to pick more than one product from the "group". Its either a), b) or c).

There is not such a feature out of the box. The only way I find to get what you want is to define a, b and c. as product attributes of the same product and then set Maximum Cart Quantity to 1.
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