Running NopCommerce admin from ASP.NET Development server/IIS Express

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12 лет назад
i have just installed the new NopCommerce v2.5,

i opened the project in VS (11), and clicked F5 to run and debug.
everything works great, BUT, the admin panel is not accesable.

any idea on how i can use either IIS Express or ASP.NET Development server to also run the administration area and not just the site?
12 лет назад
Don't you see an 'Administration' link (top right corner) when logged-in as administrator? Or are you getting a specific error (try opening
12 лет назад
i do, but when trying to click it,
i get a "404" error.
12 лет назад
Just to make it clear, this is a clean install i just downloaded from the website.
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