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12 лет назад
I'm getting the 'stream ended unexpectedly' error when trying to clone a full copy of nopcommerce 2.05.  It looks like this has occured in the past as described in this post:

Is anyone else having this problem?

Also, what I really want to do is update my fork with all the latest changes in the trunk, as my fork was started with a base of 2.03 code + a  few changesets.  Does anyone have some pointers on how best to go about this?  I first tried the instructions here:, but I get an error with the first hg incoming command.  :  HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway.  

There is nothing wrong with my internet connection.  I suspect the two errors are related, but I am not sure.  Anyone have any ideas?

12 лет назад
I've seen similar issues in the past.  Short of rebooting my PC, what usually worked for me is launching an Incognito session (in Chrome).
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