Product Manual PDF files

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12 лет назад
In the older version when adding a new product there was a "create button" feature and you could upload a PDF file and link it.  I need to add a PDF manual for every product and in version 2.4 I can't find a way to do that.  The editor does not seem to see .pdf files.  Appreciate some advise on how to do this.  Business user not a developer.
Many Thanks
12 лет назад
Try this:

On each "variant" there is a "required variant" check box. If you click that, two more options will open, a text box marked something like "variant product code" and "automatically add".

For your PDF, upload it as a "downloadable file", then get the file number for it off the product variant page (I think it's in the upper left hand corner of the update sheet). Put that number (which is the automatically assigned ID) in the "variant product code and check the "automatically add" box.

I do a similar thing with my safety frames, I have a "default" item called "side shields" and they are automatically added to every line item that requires a safety frame, per the above method.
12 лет назад
Thanks Mike - not sure I completely understand but will try to walk it through.  Each one of my products has a different manual or PDF that goes with it.
12 лет назад
Shouldn't be a problem, you will just need the variant product number for each manual and tie that to the individual product.
12 лет назад
Just took another look at the variant pages...if you make a 2nd (or 3rd...) varient, you have the option of making it a downloadable product, complete with upload option/URL. At the top of the page will be a Product ID#. Set up your downloadable item, record the ID#, then go back to the main variant for the item you are selling and use the 'automatically add" options I mentioned earlier, using the downloadable product ID #.

This might be a less cumbersome way of doing it, especially with a large number of manuals.
12 лет назад
Thanks but that seems to put the manual in the shopping cart when purchased.  I need to have a link so customers can download a manual when just shopping or looking at a product page.  

I can upload a pdf file to content/images/uploaded but the editor only sees image files so I can not link unless I "know" the full path - not easy for average user or owner of business.  

Thanks for all the help and advice.  Still working on the issue
12 лет назад
Pondered on this for awhile...

Maybe set up an entire category dedicated to documentation, then enter no charge downloadable documents as "products". You can set them up to be downloadable to non-registered guests "I think"...I'm working on something similar but not in the scale you need. I'll run through a couple of test scenarios and let you know what happens.

The only other thing I can think of is a side-by-side html coded page direct linked to each product on the product description page (ie: click here to see the pdf manual for this product). Then upload and store each pdf on your server outside of nopCommerce, and use the hand-coded html page to reference each one.
12 лет назад
docknee wrote:
Thanks but that seems to put the manual in the shopping cart when purchased.  I need to have a link so customers can download a manual when just shopping or looking at a product page.  

I can upload a pdf file to content/images/uploaded but the editor only sees image files so I can not link unless I "know" the full path - not easy for average user or owner of business.  

Thanks for all the help and advice.  Still working on the issue

Yeah. I see the problem. I just put a product up on my website as a downloadable item ( It's in the "Featured" items section.

Here's an expanded version of my suggestion from above:

In my case, I added a new subdirectory on my server called "downloads", then uploaded from my computer to that subdirectory the zip file containing the program for download to my customers. The link I used for the download link was "/download/{filename.extension}" If you put all of your PDF files in this subdirectory, and put a html link on the item description, you should be able to access the file. Something like this.

....widgets and dopplegangers manual can be seen <a href="/downloads/wdxyz123.pdf">here</a>

Yes, you will have to manually upload all of the docs, and know which is which, but this at least get you started as a quick and dirty workaround to get you started.
12 лет назад
mikeaurelius wrote:
Pondered on this for awhile...

Maybe set up an entire category dedicated to documentation, then enter no charge downloadable documents as "products". You can set them up to be downloadable to non-registered guests "I think"...I'm working on something similar but not in the scale you need. I'll run through a couple of test scenarios and let you know what happens.

The only other thing I can think of is a side-by-side html coded page direct linked to each product on the product description page (ie: click here to see the pdf manual for this product). Then upload and store each pdf on your server outside of nopCommerce, and use the hand-coded html page to reference each one.

Mike:   Example =    
If you go to that page you see three buttons on bottom, "Product Manual", "Brochure", "Spec Sheet",
Older version allowed you to add the button and link to a pdf which you could upload and see in the editor.  

Here is what I did:
1.  I capture the image for each of thoes buttons in photoshop as .jpg files
2.  Now my son can simply "insert image"
3.  Then he highlights that image and uses the hyperlink button in the editor.  
4.  You can upload a file there but it thinks it is an image so you can't see PDF files
5.  However since I know the path to that directory and the file name I can put that in the URL line when you use the hyperlink button.  
5.  The absolute path for us is
6.  I created the pdf subdirectory to keep the pdf files in there own directory.  

Hope that all makes sense - its a cludge but it works and now he can simply put in an image button (not a form button) and link it via an absolute URL to the pdf file.  Must be a better way but I think it would take a developer to write the code for the editor etc.
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