Edit Existing Cart Items

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12 лет назад
Hello All,

Is there a way to have a user click on a cart item and return them to the product page intact with all of their attribute choices and user text fields? In highly customizable products (especially user text fields, etc), it is essential for a positive shopping experience to NOT required the user to delete the item and re0enter all necessary details. I've searched the forums but have come up short.

Any thoughts, advice, or condolences would be greatly appreciated. :)

Thank you all in advance.

12 лет назад
HumbleBeginnings wrote:
Hello All,

Is there a way to have a user click on a cart item and return them to the product page intact with all of their attribute choices and user text fields? In highly customizable products (especially user text fields, etc), it is essential for a positive shopping experience to NOT required the user to delete the item and re0enter all necessary details. I've searched the forums but have come up short.

Any thoughts, advice, or condolences would be greatly appreciated. :)

Thank you all in advance.


This is not available out of the box. It would require around 2 weeks of programing work (a "guesstimate" of our programers). Items in cart are stored in XML format (v1.9 and maybe it was kept in v2.x) and you have to find out if the whole information of attributes is kept (idel situation) or just their name.
I hope this is of any help
12 лет назад
Hi Eduardo,

Wow -- this will be a real "game-changer" for me. I've courted a half-dozen carts and really liked nopC, so I've decided to play it out on a test design. Since most of the other carts featured this I just assumed that it was pretty standard and being a newer cart (nopC) that it would surely have provided for this. Certainly two weeks sounds like an exorbitant amount of time from my experience, but I don't know the specific ins and outs of the platform and I must yield to your programmers' perspective, unless someone else is able to provide more clarification... for my sake, at least, let's hope so! :)

Thank you for your kind and prompt reply.

12 лет назад
Hi Eduardo and all,

Just a followup to the posty after having done some research... I don't disagree that it is not available out of the box. However, I've looked around and, again, in my experience, I just don't see 2 weeks of work to implement a change like this. I am bringing this up because maybe I'm not seeing something that your programmers are. I've been wrong before plenty of times (why not one more, he asks?)... In the "ShoppingCartItem" db table, you will find the following XML data in the AttributesXml field (column). Seems to me you have most of what you need to fill in the blanks to reconstruct, no? Given that it is in XML anyway, if you need some additional data, it wouldn't be that bad to add it in and/or to extract it.

Here's the data as mentioned above...

<Attributes><ProductVariantAttribute ID="19"><ProductVariantAttributeValue><Value>39</Value></ProductVariantAttributeValue></ProductVariantAttribute><ProductVariantAttribute ID="22"><ProductVariantAttributeValue><Value>This is a test text input value</Value></ProductVariantAttributeValue></ProductVariantAttribute><ProductVariantAttribute ID="13"><ProductVariantAttributeValue><Value>35</Value></ProductVariantAttributeValue></ProductVariantAttribute></Attributes>

Please let me know your thoughts on this, or if anyone else can weigh in. I'm justtrying to get my arms around the magnitude of the hack.

Thanks again in advance for your kind reply.

12 лет назад
The current version of the code is set up to prepopulate all of the attributes from the attributesXml string for when you add to cart but it fails because of cart warnings.  I would think that all you need to support this change is add the shoppingCartItemId to the query string from the Product Detail page and use that xml instead.

You would want to verify the shoppingCartItemId belongs to that customer, of course.  I would estimate it at 2 or 3 hours of work.
12 лет назад
You'd also want to do the same thing with OrderProductVariant so that you get the same functionality from the Order History page.

If this isn't done in the next few weeks maybe I will actually contribute some code instead of just posting on the forums :-)
12 лет назад
Hi Andy,

Thanks for your great reply. I felt that it could be done in a reasonable few hours also. I have a site scheduled for launch in the new few weeks, so I may be jammed up but if there is anything that I can contribute to help please PM me. I'm still trying to get "fuzzy" with nopC so I don't yet know a lot of the in's and out's. If I come up with anything in the interim, I'll get back as well.

Be well and thanks for your post.

12 лет назад
Hey HB and Andy: if you happen to do it please let mi know how long time it took
12 лет назад
will do!
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