A suggestion for all hosts....

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12 лет назад
Have my site up and running...when it runs....hosting issues are causing crashes/non-response about every 30 minutes.  Depending on what you read, some say this host is great, some say that host is terrible...I figured maybe it was a hosting problem so I grabbed another host to try and transfer everything to improve reliability.  Well, I have moved everything, still doesn't work, and the "tech guys" are telling me to do something that I have no idea what it is or where to do it....

Here's the biggest suggestion I can give to hosting companies....

Not all of us know html or "geek speak" so to call it.....when we ask for help, PLEASE put it in plain english the best you can.   Leaving a customer to try and find where and/or what you are telling us to do is much more confusing and frustrating than just helping us out.

I want to be your customer.....PLEASE, make this an easier process.
12 лет назад
Try Hostmysite.com

I've been using them for about 4-5 years first under ColdFusion, now with nopCommerce running MVC, ASP.Net.

Their people do speak "nontech language".

The only issue I had was immediately after the primary setup and adding an SQL database, I couldn't get in through the install process, but waiting overnight, it was good to go.

They will call back if problems aren't answered, their rates are very reasonable, and they are just plain nice folks.
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