Accept Negative Discounts and incude Description for Each Discount

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12 лет назад
In promotion>discount accept negative discounts in percentage and amount. With thissimple change the discccount feature, which is very flexibel and powerful, could be used to set some special charges under certain conditions. Check this

It would be nice too if discounts to total or subtotal could be detailed separately with a short (i.e. 30 characters) Description for each discount.
12 лет назад
eadameg wrote:
In promotion>discount accept negative discounts in percentage and amount. With thissimple change the discccount feature, which is very flexibel and powerful, could be used to set some special charges under certain conditions. Check this

It would be nice too if discounts to total or subtotal could be detailed separately with a short (i.e. 30 characters) description for each discount.

Would love this feature. You got my vote
12 лет назад would  make it nice and flexible and also we can change the caption (display) of fee / Discount. My vote goes for it
12 лет назад
Thanks! I've just created a work item. Please vote here
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