Upgrade - What happens to themes/views

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12 лет назад
Hi guys sorry i just wanted some clarification. In the upgrade readme file it says:

3. Remove all files from the previous version except App_Data\Settings.txt and App_Data\InstalledPlugins.txt
4. Upload new site files
5. Copy back App_Data\Settings.txt and App_Data\InstalledPlugins.txt files
6. Ensure that everything is OK

So I'm sorry but what happens to your theme/views if you're removing "all files from the previous version"?

Would someone mind clarifying I'm upgrading from 2.2 to 2.4 and wanted to know if there are changes to models that will reflect in the views associated with the theme I developed for 2.2

12 лет назад
The only way I know, is to compare the code from one version to the next to see what has changed.  If you know what
views you've modified, you should only have to look at those for differences.

I've not made many changes to views, but it is the same for themes.  With every upgrade I compare the .css file of the theme (the one I started from) with the new version to see what has changed.  Then I apply those changes to my theme's style.css and install in the upgraded themes folder.

Be sure to back up your modified themes and views before you install the upgrade.  I keep a checklist of upgrade steps that includes a list of which files and folders to back up.  Included are:

/Content/Images (If your images are on the file system and not in the database)

/Views/... (Only those I've modified)

If there's a better way, I'd love to hear it...
12 лет назад
Thanks for letting me know.. time to get out a good diffing tool and go to town! :)

thanks for the trick re the css as well!
12 лет назад
You're welcome.

I use both Beyond Compare and Notepad++.  Both are available from FileHippo.com
12 лет назад
I use WinMerge to compare whats changed from one version to the next. Its open source and free you can find it on sourceforge.net

http://sf.net/projects/winmerge/   or  http://winmerge.org/
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