Change product details page layout

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11 лет назад

My client does not have picture for every product. I used the following file to remove product image wwwroot/Views/Catalog/_ProductDetailsPictures.cshtml

webpage url:

The image is deleted but I want to bring up product description and "Special requirements" text box and price etc to the empty area.

Where should I change the layout of this page.

Many thanks,
11 лет назад
Search the solution for "_ProductDetailsPictures".  You will see which Views it is referenced in.
11 лет назад
New York wrote:
Search the solution for "_ProductDetailsPictures".  You will see which Views it is referenced in.

1) Your answer is not clear. I don't think you understood my question. I already worked on the file you have mentioned. This file is only for the large image in the top left corner of the content area.

Where can I find the file in which the complete content area design is done. This includes the empty area in the top left corner, product name and short description, facebook logo, horizontal line, Special requirements message box etc.

I want to bring long description, Special Requirements box above the horizontal line and the price and buttons will stay below the horizontal line.
11 лет назад
First of all, you removed the image BUT not the picture div.
I don't understand exactly your aim, but you need to use the top left space left blank by missing picture.
So you need to move some of the text below the line withon the picture div.
I suggest you to use Firefox with Firebug: you can explore page structure very easily and change the pructdetail page according to your needs, while changing css accordongly
11 лет назад
tpdlondon wrote:
I already worked on the file you have mentioned. This file is only for the large image in the top left corner of the content area.

Yes, but if you "...Search the solution for "_ProductDetailsPictures".  You will see which Views it is referenced in.  "


(Riccardo's suggestion is also a good one)
11 лет назад
Many thanks NY, this \src\Presentation\Nop.Web\Views\Catalog\ProductTemplate.VariantsInGrid.cshtml  
was the file I was looking for.
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