2.4/2.5 Admin Edit links on category and product pages

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11 лет назад
We usually add and edit link to category and product pages so that admins can quickly correct any issues they find while browsing the site.

Thought the code would be useful to some

modify the following files;-

for Category edit


add the following property

public bool DisplayAdminLink { get; set; }


in method

public ActionResult Category(int categoryId, CatalogPagingFilteringModel command)


var model = category.ToModel();

add the following line

model.DisplayAdminLink = _permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.AccessAdminPanel);


add whereever you want the edit link to appear

@if (Model.DisplayAdminLink)
        <a href="/Admin/Category/Edit/@Model.Id" target="_blank">Edit</a><br />

for product edit


add the following property

public bool DisplayAdminLink { get; set; }


in method

protected ProductModel PrepareProductDetailsPageModel(Product product)


var model = product.ToModel();


model.DisplayAdminLink = _permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.AccessAdminPanel);


add whereever you want the edit link to appear

@if (Model.DisplayAdminLink)
        <a href="/Admin/Product/Edit/@Model.Id" target="_blank">Edit</a><br />

I didn't bother with the mobile side as imo editing the shop on a mobile is not something I want to encourage.


11 лет назад
Dave, thanks for suggestion
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