nopCommerce 2.65 and 2.70 roadmap

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11 лет назад
Hey I have an idea,
Can nop team "assign" some tasks to the community members who are willing to contribute the new features?
if we look at each road map topic there are endless feature requests, instead of saying "I want this feature", can anyone can say "I contribute this feature"?
Regardless free one or commercial one, I believe this will help to reduce the workload of nop team.
11 лет назад
jansubrt wrote:

100% agree on performance before other features.

I would also like to emphasize stability and transparency of this project, which directly limits community involvement.

Some of my recomendations are as follows:

- Public Continuous Integration Server (Teamcity, TFS, Hudson, etc., usualy free for opensource)
- Public Wiki editable by community
- Code-Quality - better unit test coverage
- Automated acceptence testing + public living documentation (specflow + speclog, mspecs.. free for opensource)

All of those recomendations should make nopcommerce project more transparent to community and hopefully more stable. They can be implemented independently and gradually.

I completely agree with this. These suggestion if implemented will make NopCommerce one of the best opensource e-commerce platform. Like the Wordpress is for blog.

+1 from me.
11 лет назад
keesjan wrote:
RavenDB is very fast, flexible, has developer-friendly api, but it needs paid licence for commercial use.

As I understand the license: when the product is open source (like nopCommerce) no commercial license is needed.

What about Solr 4? Its completely opensource. Moreover, its an upgrade on very popular search server Solr 3.6. And with new features added in Solr 4, it can now be used as Primary data source like NoSQL.

11 лет назад
nopDev wrote:
Can nop team "assign" some tasks to the community members who are willing to contribute the new features?

If some of community members are willing to contribute, they can always do it without any "assignment". Simply create a fork and contribute. It's always welcome! Find more info here ("Contributing source code" section). BTW, there are already a lot of forks which were pushed and merged into official releases
11 лет назад
I suggested time ago to build, by the comunity, a Codex in WP-style, there should be a workitem somewhere, but it hadn't much success.

I think that tech doc is necessary, so do plugins released by the comunity.

Regarding plugins, at the moment anybody, on it's own, publishes his creation. Then from one release to the next, they get lost.
My idea is that plugins (free not commercial) are to be taken in charge by the comunity, that, in some manner, mantain them. This is the only solution to have a significantly growing  plugin library that incentive other developers to build other plugins.
An open source with 10 plugins (and themes) have little commercial success - give a look to Prestashop and Magento.
11 лет назад
jariwalakrunal wrote:
MultiStore & Azure support also performance improvements. I think it is most important tasks

Agreed except MultiStore, I believe that before adding new features. NopCommerce should have best performance out of the box. Then definitely multistore need to be added.

I agree with this opinion.
11 лет назад
infinito62 wrote:
I suggested time ago to build, by the comunity, a Codex in WP-style, there should be a workitem somewhere, but it hadn't much success.

Well when it comes to voting, majority of people are using "feature glasses". Furthermore its for nopCommerce team to decide on their developement workflow, it shouldnt be voted on by community side-by-side with features.
11 лет назад
a.m. wrote:
If some of community members are willing to contribute, they can always do it without any "assignment". Simply create a fork and contribute. It's always welcome!

And this is the right way. Assigning will not work.

The contributions are limited though.
11 лет назад
I would love to see better performance on product listing pages.. Things like oscommerce and lemonstand etc manage to load really fast even with large listing pages.. wheres 2.6 im still finding 4 seconds of spooling to hit a page on azure or a local aussie based vps
11 лет назад
thomen wrote:
I would love to see better performance on product listing pages.. Things like oscommerce and lemonstand etc manage to load really fast even with large listing pages.. wheres 2.6 im still finding 4 seconds of spooling to hit a page on azure or a local aussie based vps

Agreed, I also love to see better performance out of the box. And I'm very hopeful to 2.7 to have more focus on improving  performance rather than introducing new features.
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