nopCommerce 2.65 and 2.70 roadmap

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11 лет назад
jeet.shark wrote:
Do you guys agree? Or only few are interested to have high performance store?

You can vote it here

Although what you says seems to be true for some reason, as I'm also wondering about low interest in improving performance.

Although, its not as easy as 1,2,3... and requires lot of efforts, and eventually it will be picked up. Until then try implementing them yourself, and share your review/code here for others. All the best.
11 лет назад
At least, we should upgrade to newer version of EF when its available.

11 лет назад
Edit: Have created a form for this now, see post here...
11 лет назад
Just saw this video:

PerfView gives an obscene amount of information, and can be run without Visual Studio so you can drop it onto an IIS box where nopCommerce is running and profile away.
11 лет назад
Looks like ID-less urls was removed from the 2.70 roadmap?
11 лет назад
SWW wrote:
Looks like ID-less urls was removed from the 2.70 roadmap?

Right. It has been postponed because seems that the tasks which nopCommerce 2.70 is focused on (see this post) will take a bit more time than I thought. Once all of the other planned tasks are done, I'll start ID-less support (if some time is left before the end of September)
11 лет назад
hi andrie.

Did you finalized performance related optimization tasks to be planned for 2.70 roadmap?
11 лет назад
jariwalakrunal wrote:
hi andrie.

Did you finalized performance related optimization tasks to be planned for 2.70 roadmap?

Not yet. Please see my previous posts in this topic
11 лет назад
a.m. wrote:
Once all of the other planned tasks are done, I'll start ID-less support (if some time is left before the end of September)

That sounds good. URLs are an important legitimate and widely used user-interface for the Web. They should be easy to understand and hackable by the user. In addition, URLs are important for SEO. I really hope that this much anticipated feature will make it into this release.

Also, please leave the support for old 1.X ASPX URLs to permanently redirect to the new ID-less URLs for users that are still using 1.X and plan to upgrade to 2.X.
11 лет назад
a.m. wrote:
hi andrie.

Did you finalized performance related optimization tasks to be planned for 2.70 roadmap?
Not yet. Please see my previous posts in this topic

Got it. Thank you.
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