Tiny MCE Been a Pain.

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11 лет назад
Is there any way with the topic editor to stop it reformatting the HTML, I am making specific changes I need and the editor been a pain and undoing it and reformatting it when I click update or save.
11 лет назад
Where is the config for Tiny MCE so that I can urn off the auto format.
11 лет назад
Looks like I have sorted it after some digging on the forums and some googling.

I edited the following file:
\Administration\Views\Shared\EditorTemplates\RichEditor.cshtml file

Added this code:

// Example content CSS (should be your site CSS)
            //content_css : "css/content.css",
            cleanup_on_startup: false,
            trim_span_elements: false,
            verify_html: false,
            cleanup: false,
            convert_urls: false,

That stops it cleaning up and refactoring the HTML all I need to do is correct the screwed up HTML now. It just anoying that by default TINY MCE dose a code clean up, wish there was a way in the config section that it could of been turned off with out me having to spent 1 Hour googling and searching for the answer.
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