Can I pass Html.Action an alternate PartialView?

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11 лет назад
Hi all,

I would like to show the list of categories in the footer.

The following call
@Html.Action("CategoryNavigation", "Catalog", new { currentCategoryId = currentCategoryId, currentProductId = currentProductId })
lists the categories on the _ColumnsThree.cshtml.

Can I make a similar call to the "CategoryNavigation" method in the "Catalog" controller, but have it return an alternate PartialView?

Ideally, I would like NOT to modify the "Catalog" controller, because I am afraid it will break on future upgrades. If I could simply return a alternate partial view, I could include the view inside my customized theme and hope it will continue to work on upgrade.


11 лет назад
Anyone please?
11 лет назад
you can create another partial view for footer categories. even u can use the same controller for both too. in that case call the partial view from the category navication view itself.
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