Email a friend feature

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14 лет назад

By default, the email a friend feature can only work if the person is registered. I don't see why having to register to email a friend is important, is there a reason for this?

Is there way to make it work without registering as long as the two emails are supplied, one from the sender and one from the receiver?

14 лет назад
Anyone have any ideas on this?  I would like to set this feature to work for visitors as well as registered users as well.

13 лет назад
Same here..

Any way to disable the registration requirement ?
13 лет назад
Go to Admin area > Configuration > Global Settings > Other tab > 'Allow anonymous users to email a friend' setting
13 лет назад
aah... that options is not available in version 1.3
11 лет назад
In v2.65 you have to go to Configuration > Settings > Catalog settings.  Uncheck "'Email a friend' enabled"
7 лет назад
Hello Friends,

I am trying to send Email a Friend into nopcommerce 2.6 version
My Email is send successfully.
But email is not getting into inbox.
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