Can't run Installation Wizard

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14 лет назад
Irina – The pleasure is mine, Couple of things… It is funny how such posts can sound accusatory or with the use of quotation has a demeaning, arguable effect.

In this post that you started… Please find, just the opposite. I am here because this seems to the only post regarding “Installation and Configuration” as being of any use.

I am little disappointed that you seem to be holding your own conversation trying to answer your own questions, without the help of any nopcommerce moderation.

Irina, I not saying whether you are right or wrong in regards to the root directory, cause I don’t know. It was more of a “Hey Moderator we would like a little clarification!!” ;-)

From the sounds of some of your verbiage with-in these posts you are far more advanced than I in such disciplines.  

Still regarding my problems and I appreciate any comments you can help me with, I believe all my naming convention path is correctly spelled, also think all files are loaded correctly. I beleive my permissions are correct on both servers and files installed. (But I could be wrong about that).

As I watched the slightly dated screencast regarding the installation that Mr. Foster presented,(also, like you.. I watched several times). He had said it was important to download ALL the files to whatever directory it was going to.

I am not sure it was necessary for me to download nopcommerce WITH the  source files… but… like everything else I do; I gotta have it all… I downloaded all the source files with the store. That may explain why, once uploading all files (including source) to the server (in the root) we observed the nopcommerce file so deep within the file system. I too thought that was... not necessary

Actually, I did not want to go here (as in installing ecommerce application, server, etc…), I had communicated with the people over at nopcommerce on their website under “services” “Request a Quote” and their reply was they are too busy.

Guess I have to go to school now ;-). The story goes one however, enough said.  
Except I would appreciate any input you have and YES! I DO want to hear your suggestions. So sorry to have made you feel as if I had no regard to what you are saying. Thanks for initiating this post.

This product looks like it will be a good one and I think the makers are just going through some growing pains. They will have plenty of support and moderation latter.

Best Regards
14 лет назад
Oh, no need to apologize so much, I wasn't really offended :o)

Let's turn to your problem.
As you probably  read numerous times, you need to change web.config in order to receive detailed message errors. This may help now and in the future. Let me know if you don't know how to do this.

Meanwhile, to clarify few points - did you use the simple version (non source) or the extended one? I downloaded both, but used the simple one. I uploaded everything from unzipped simple version to the directory, and made this directory an application. Then I run

Other question - do you have Godaddy as a hosting provider or another host?

14 лет назад
I have several servers, including godaddy... funny you asked, that because I am aware of the nopcommerce in  Applications within their hosting products. As a matter of fact, before receiving this post I repointed my URL and setup up a SQL db, and installed nopcommerce within.

I downloaded the long version, with the source code on my other server. It is Rackspace cloud server. No 3rdparty software help there.

I do not know much about "webconfig" other than it is a .net thing... like I said last post, I am not much of a programmer, but maybe you can give me a hand with that. I am heading over to Godaddy now to see if things have resolved yet.

talk soon
14 лет назад
web.config is a file located in the root nopcommerce directory (together with Default.aspx for example).
You can edit it with Notepad or any other similar editor.
If you look inside, there is a bunch of stuff in it, and the part you need to replace should look like this:

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="ErrorPage.htm">
      <error statusCode="403" redirect="BannedAddress.htm"/>
      <error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNotFound.htm"/>

I personally decided to remove this whole part and replace it with:

<customErrors mode ="Off" defaultRedirect="ErrorPage.htm" />

I am not sure if I was right removing the whole piece, but so far it didn't hurt me, and anyway, you can put everything back any time.
The most important part of the code you need to replace with is "customErrors mode ="Off" (with capital "O") - instead of "customErrors mode="RemoteOnly".


My advice - keep a copy of everything untouched somewhere (on your computer, for example). I already needed to see what was in the initial code in few files I changed. Or you would need to unzip nopcommerce again when this situation arises.
14 лет назад
I'll check it out. Thank You for your input.

I guess nopCommerce is open source at its best. I remember pressing myself into a conversation for some kind of support for ocCommerce back in 2001… ended up getting all pissed off at this European guy name Herald PeDeLeon…(or something like that) later I learned he was the founder ;-).

Funny thing I still use that same old oscommerce website with very few upgrades.  

I guess one of the biggest advantage, in my eyes about nopcommerce is that it works in the windows environment, it is high on my list for SEO and we don’t have to depend on the great minds it takes to put something like this together, for support anyway, just upgrades…

that's cause we have the open source community… all for free.

talk later

Thanks again Irina
14 лет назад
I'm facing the same problems with you allthough I took a different  approach to solve it I'll try your sugestions.
I hope it will work
14 лет назад
I think we all may have absolutely different reasons why Wizard doesn't work on our servers. It depends on our individual mistakes, on environment and requirements (and quirks) of our host, and many other things.

I still don't know what was the cause of the first failure of Wizard in my case. I only know that I basically did those few things in order to run Wizard and, later, application itself:

1. Changed web.config file in the way I described above.
To be honest, I did it only to get detailed error messages, but in the end this somehow helped me to run the Wizard. Still have no idea what exactly helped ;o)

2. Turned the main nopcommerce  directory into an application using IIS settings at my host manager. I think it is important to do this with the main directory, not just 'Install'. By 'main' I mean the directory where web.config and Default.aspx files lie.

3. Later, in order to run installed application, I changed access permission for the main nopcommerce directory and all sub-directories on to "write and read" instead of just "read".

That's basically all I did to get this application running. Of course, I changed few more things later to avoid some other interruptions in the application work - and I probably will do more - but those 3 steps helped to run Wizard and start application.

I hope this will help someone, but as I said, we all make our own mistakes, and what helped me may not help another user.
14 лет назад
hi yes, i think you are on the right track - different hosts have different requirements on where you put the files - i am happy that my host allows subdirectories in the root because i can put one nopcommerce store in a subfolder called shop 1 and then a second copy in subfolder called shop 2 etc - the result is that on one hosting account i can have more than one completely different store !!

can i respond to some of your point ...
1. yes, change the web.config in the way you describe because it can be important for you to find error but you should change it back once your shop is ready for the public so that if there is a problem later, you customers get a custom error page (which will be more 'user friendly') rather than the standard error page

2. absolutely yes - if you have a subdirectory called (for example) 'shop1' then that is where you copy all of your nopCommerce ( NO SOURCE)  files into and it is that folder ( 'shop1') that you set as an application as you describe.

3. you must set permissions for that folder to read write (actually i think it is just the 'image' folder that needs this but i gave the whole application full permission) - that was actually my big mistake the first time i uploaded nopCommece, not giving permission to the folder - it was thanks to the people of this forum that i got it eventually

If the installation does not automatically set up a database for you then that will give you another error and you will have to go back into the web.config file to set the <connectionStrings> .....</connectionStrings> properties  - but that is another story !!
14 лет назад
I tried to run the installation process but it didn't work.
I'm pretty sure that it's the issue (2) you describe above. The fact is thet I'm using Parallel Plesk 9.2 and I really can't see where the "convert directory to IIS application" or something simillar is !!!
14 лет назад
if you can, copy the error message you get onto the forum - maybe someone can help identify the problem.
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