Fixed Rate Shipping - discount multiple items

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11 лет назад
Hi,  I have used fixed rate shipping,  and on each product I have entered the charge for shipping that product.

If the customer selects 4 items,  the fixed rate shipping is for those 4 items.

for example,  I sell greeting cards,  shipping is £1,  but if the customer buys 4, the shipping is £4.

So,  I need to discount the shipping,  I know I can do it on price,  can I do it on number of products in the cart? Maybe just charge once whatever the highest shipping amount is?
In the example above it would be £1

But say they also bought a dog bed that had a shipping of £7,  £7 shipping would be charged

Is this possible?

Many Thanks
11 лет назад
Not out of the box, but Shipping Director can to it.
Here's a somewhat related blog about Per Item Shipping Rates

But in your case, if you want to use the product variant's  "Additional Shipping Charge", you can do it like this, which finds the maximum AdditionalShippingCharge of all items in cart.

EvalType           Option
Rate Expression    Items.Max(ProductVariant.AdditionalShippingCharge)

Although, I question whether you need to also take into account Quantity.  E.g. what would the rate be if there were 2 dog beds, and 2 greeting cards?

UPDATE: The above SD expression won't work.  After rates are retrieved from shipping plugins, nopC will then add the product variant  AdditionalShippingCharge ( x Qty).   If one still wanted to use AdditionalShippingCharge as means of per item shipping, SD can probably work around this by calculating the appropriate negative rate, such that when nopC adds the AdditionalShippingCharges, you get the desired rate.  (A bit kludgy but it should work :)
11 лет назад
Hi New York,

Thank you for your reply.  

I am not a programmer,  so I will now embarress myself by asking where I put the  code

EvalType       OptionRate
Expression    Items.Max(ProductVariant.AdditionalShippingCharge)

I am using 1.9
11 лет назад
Sorry, Shipping Director is a plugin for nopC 2.x
If you were using 2.x, the above would be a single "record" entered in the SD configuration page
11 лет назад
Ah!  Thank you New York.  So is there any way to put in a Max Val for fixed shippig front end?
11 лет назад
Not without custom coding
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