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11 лет назад

I'm trying to determine the best way to setup a store that is selling kits of items, but can also sell the individual items as products in their own right. Example is a series of individual spares which may be purchased as a service kit and, when purchased, would decrement the stock levels for each of the component items within the kit.

I've looked around the attributes of the product variants in line with a few suggestions, but wondered if anyone had come across a solution to this one.

11 лет назад
Go to the product editing option in admin panel and then to Edit product variant. Tick "Require other product variants are added to the cart:" and select the other products in the kits. You can create individual items and then items by the name of spare parts kits and add other product variants in the kit to it.
11 лет назад
If you go with above idea on the Kit item, then you will probably also want to tick "Automatically add these product variants to the cart:"
11 лет назад
Thanks for the advice guys - very useful and seems to have done the trick. I needed to vary the qty of the individual kit items, but repeating the variant ID in the comma-delimited list did that trick too - aggregating the qty into a single item in the basket.

Many thanks.
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