First Data Global Gateway

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13 лет назад
I have downloadedand installed the First Data Global Gateway (for NopCommerce 1.8).  I am all the way to the point where I have added "First Data" as a new payment type, however, the Configuration tab is blank as if it is not injecting the "ConfigurePaymentMethod.ascx" control file into the pages rendered output.

I also get the following error when I try to checkout using the FDGG payment type:

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Templates.Payment.FirstData.PaymentModule'

All files are definitely on the website as per the install instructions and the site was definitely comiled without errors and did include the Nop.FirstData.Payment module in the build.

What am I missing?
13 лет назад
You are missing the fact that Firsdata is doing something non standard in their usage of secure ports for CC processing and is expecting everyone to follow.  It won't work without your own server so you have charge of open ports, or pay big bucks to your web host for a dedicated server so you can request the port be opened.
13 лет назад
I don't remember saying that I wasn't going to run this on my own server.  Sounds like you have some heartburn with FDGG implementation in the past.

In any event, I have full control over my server and connections so back to my original question as to what I'm missing in the FDGG payment module implementation.

I am not even to the point where I can begin trying to send transactions to FD because both the Customer and Admin payment pages don't work.  I appear to be missing an assembly.  When I try to build the First Data payment module in VS 2010 I am getting the following error(s):

c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(1360,9): warning MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "LinkPointAPI-cs". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.

c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(1360,9): warning MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "LinkPointTransaction". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.

I have copied the dll's to my NopCommerceStore's \bin directory and have added a reference there as well.  Maybe my reference should be in the payment project?  Dunno.  Need some help here to get this thing compiled and begin moving to the next step of FDGG configuration (store number, .pem, etc.).
13 лет назад
I have solved my problem.  In case this is of help to anyone else...
Once I compiled the Nop solution properly, I had totally forgotten to upload the nopcommerce.dll and .pdb files.  event though most of knowthis needs to be done, it would be nice if the docs reminded us all to do so as one of the steps.  very easy to overlook when you are focused on the files and such specific to getting the payment module implemented.

Hope this helps someone else.
13 лет назад
thielmag wrote:
I don't remember saying that I wasn't going to run this on my own server.  Sounds like you have some heartburn with FDGG implementation in the past.

In any event, I have full control over my server and connections so back to my original question as to what I'm missing in the FDGG payment module implementation.

I am not even to the point where I can begin trying to send transactions to FD because both the Customer and Admin payment pages don't work.  I appear to be missing an assembly.  When I try to build the First Data payment module in VS 2010 I am getting the following error(s):

c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(1360,9): warning MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "LinkPointAPI-cs". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.

c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(1360,9): warning MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "LinkPointTransaction". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.

I have copied the dll's to my NopCommerceStore's \bin directory and have added a reference there as well.  Maybe my reference should be in the payment project?  Dunno.  Need some help here to get this thing compiled and begin moving to the next step of FDGG configuration (store number, .pem, etc.).

I don't remember you saying that you WERE either.  I suppose I do have some "heatburn" over Firsdata after spending 20 plus hours of my time making it work, helping others, and writing detailed instructions on how to make it work when people including myself have the exact problem you describe (page 4 of this thread for the instructions by the way).

Most all people here are on hosting providers that will not open that port.  So spending hours trying to implement something you can't use is a waste of their time.  Perhaps I need to start a thread with the instructions and at the top put a note that the user should firs contact their web hosting company.
13 лет назад
While it is frustrating to find that most hosting companies won't open the port, it also makes sense when it's running in a shared environment.  Why in the world does FD decide to implement something on port 1129 anyways?  I had to discuss another issue with their tech support desk and I mentioned that they are the only ones that do this and they should re-think that.  It only hurts their business.

Back to our original converation...

I did read the instructions and followed them but my issue was that I just forgot to upload the NopCommerce.dll file after compiling.  The most basic of all the things and I forgot.

Thanks for your time and efforts in this thread.  They haven't gone unnoticed!  Oh yeah...If TUMS doesn't work try Prilosec OTC!
13 лет назад
thielmag wrote:
While it is frustrating to find that most hosting companies won't open the port, it also makes sense when it's running in a shared environment.  Why in the world does FD decide to implement something on port 1129 anyways?  I had to discuss another issue with their tech support desk and I mentioned that they are the only ones that do this and they should re-think that.  It only hurts their business.

Back to our original converation...

I did read the instructions and followed them but my issue was that I just forgot to upload the NopCommerce.dll file after compiling.  The most basic of all the things and I forgot.

Thanks for your time and efforts in this thread.  They haven't gone unnoticed!  Oh yeah...If TUMS doesn't work try Prilosec OTC!

The symptoms of what you had described were indicative of the "bug"?  where for reasons unknown to me a couple of procedures do not get included and have to be removed, and re-defined in Visual Studio.  Other than those two, everything is recognized.  Odd unless reference to their locations is somewhere else in the package of files (original creators local file locations maybe).  In any event, the blank configuration page ran me around in circles for some time ;-)

I suppose FD tech didn't offer any logical reason?
13 лет назад
I need some help with this guys. My install says it's missing some files, please check my other post:

no need to repost.
13 лет назад
I'm now getting the wonderfully descriptive: "System.Exception: Error during payment processing error". Please help guys.
13 лет назад
Has anyone gotten FDGG working with nopCommerce 1.9?

It wouldn't build at first so I fixed the code.  It builds now and I added the payment gateway in the configuration pages, but the Configuration tab won't render.

Does anyone know how to fix it?

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