Payment - Post Process - What happends if user closes window or cancels order

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11 лет назад
Hi everybody.
I guess you are all struggeling with the same - getting the customer to really spend their money :-)

So, for everyone that's not PCI certified, we need to use Post process payments / Third party sites.
Normal method is that Nopcommerce redirects to another site.
This site would normally have a "cancel" and/or "callback" url. Like the Paypal standard plugin.

But what happends and what should happend when a user
a) Does click abort/cancel
b) Just closes the window

Well, what happends is that if he does
a) We register that he didn't pay. His giftcard is voided and one time use coupons are invalid.
We SHOULD have deleted his "order", and put it all back into his cart...

b) We don't register anything. Payment status is 10 (pending).
We SHOULD have deleted his order and made it all ready in his cart, and sent him an email.

Let me know if you have any experience on the above issues!
11 лет назад
olejohan wrote:
Hi everybody.
I guess you are all struggeling with the same - getting the customer to really spend their money :-)

So, for everyone that's not PCI certified, we need to use Post process payments / Third party sites.
Normal method is that Nopcommerce redirects to another site.
This site would normally have a "cancel" and/or "callback" url. Like the Paypal standard plugin.

But what happends and what should happend when a user
a) Does click abort/cancel
b) Just closes the window

Well, what happends is that if he does
a) We register that he didn't pay. His giftcard is voided and one time use coupons are invalid.
We SHOULD have deleted his "order", and put it all back into his cart...

b) We don't register anything. Payment status is 10 (pending).
We SHOULD have deleted his order and made it all ready in his cart, and sent him an email.

Let me know if you have any experience on the above issues!

I have developed a plugin that does something similar to this, PM me for more details. :)
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