pictures stored in databse vs filesystem

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14 лет назад
Thank You for this.

Because of this little modification i was able to get 7137 items into the system a little easier. ;)

with a batch file re-namer and batch file re-sizer.

and then i ended up creating SQL Inserts for all my items, categories, category mapping, pictures, product pictures. and so on.  

Thank You for all the help and thank you for this thread :D

14 лет назад
Hello, I got all this working but I was wondering if either phoenixfire425 or someone else could help me with setting the image paths to a large number of items. phoenixfire425  could you share the SQL insert statements you used to set the image paths and catagory mappings and all that good stuff? If it no longer store the images in the database where or how does it store the path to the image? I'm using v1.4 and I have 14,000 products from a different shopping cart that Im trying to convert to nop and all of the image refrences from it are just the string path stored in the database. Thanks for any help.
14 лет назад
good work Skiltz. I'm working on a number of NOP projects, after a while away and this functionality is essential - please ensure it's in the 1.5 release NOP chaps :)
14 лет назад
I am trying to Upgrade to version 1.5 and i currently have this mod on my 1.4 NopCommerce site.

I cannot seem to get 1.4 to upgrade to 1.5 with this mod.

Any Suggestions??
14 лет назад
14 лет назад
Why isn't this an option yet in NOP, I have 5600+ products storing the images in the DB is a total pain.
14 лет назад
I thought it was an option in NOP now

All Settings > Media.Images.StoreInDB
14 лет назад
bhiers wrote:
Why isn't this an option yet in NOP, I have 5600+ products storing the images in the DB is a total pain.

if you already have the images in the database, you can't change otherwise the pics already stored in the database won't appear

(to be exact,  you can change, but you will have a lot of work to do - you would have to delete all the existing images then re-upload them :)
13 лет назад
hi all, this method work so on 1.20? i cannot use a newest version of nopcommerce. i hope you reply me!!!

13 лет назад
you'll have to try coding it in to 1.2 as per this thread, or upgrade to latest version where it works out of the box
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