Nop 2.8 - Set no. products per row

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11 лет назад
Where do you set the number of products to display per row in v2.8 ?
11 лет назад
There is no setting for this.  You would need to modify the Views (.cshtml files).  Look for "Html.DataList" on the relevant views.

For example, on Category page,  \Views\Catalog\CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml

                @(Html.DataList<CategoryModel.SubCategoryModel>(Model.SubCategories, 3,

Note that depending on the css settings for product box, trying to display 4 across rather than 3 may not fit.   You would have to adjust your stylesheet.
11 лет назад
I cannot locate this line of code in CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml v2.8
Can somebody help please? How to change the number of products in row?
11 лет назад
Just figured it out. It can be changed by manipulating with "width" property in .home-page-category-grid .category-item in style.css
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