Discount applied if x number of products from group of y are added to cart

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11 лет назад

I need to apply a discount if any X items, from a category that has Y items, are added to a cart.  For example, the category has 10 items.  If any 4 of those 10 items are added to the cart, then the customer receives a discount.  All 10 items cost the same and the discount is a fixed amount regardless of which 4 are selected for the cart, thus I can apply the discount as a percentage or as a fixed amount.

Is there an add-on already available for this scenario, or can nopCommerce do it out of the box and I'm just missing something?  If necessary, continuing my example, I could have all 10 items be Product Variants of the same Product, instead of separate actual separate products with 1 variant each.  Thus in this case the discount would be applied based on the single product, instead of category.

Thanks for any insight you have!

11 лет назад
I'm fairly sure this functionality is not available out of the box and I'm not aware of a discount plugin that would do what you require.

However you might be able to do the following, as all the variants are the same price.

By using a product variant attribute (eg colour) and only having one productvariant you could use tier pricing on the productVariant.

But it may not be quite what you're after as if the tier price(which is a price per unit) level is at 10 items they will get 11+ items at that same ppu?

TBH I don't think it's possible to build every single discount that some sales person can dream up and I have my doubts on if any of these exotic discount ideas are any better than the standard discounts. Honestly I doubt the customer actually understands them. And given development costs one wonders if coding these up is in anyway cost effective for the shop owner.
11 лет назад
Hi daveb:

Thanks for the suggestion!  Using a single product variant with variant attributes and tier prices would work, except: I need to use different SKUs/GTINs for each of the items and pass values to my fulfillment warehouse accordingly.  I see that SKUs/GTINs cannot be defined by variant attribute.

Think I'm resolved to a custom plug-in to do it by Category.

Thanks again!
11 лет назад
I would check that because I was fairly sure you can change SKU on attributes
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