Custom letters per product

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11 лет назад
On it says "Text options on products (e.g. require initials for monogrammed products, require text name for product customization, etc)"

Is this done by simply creating a checkout attribute or are they referring to something cleverer?

We will be selling toys, and some toys are individual letters which can be purchased individually to spell out e.g. a childs name.
Lets say we have said toy as 1 product in the system and is £10.
At point of purchase I need users to be able to enter e.g. John, and for this to then calculate that this is in fact 4 individual products and there costs £40.

How is this achieveable if at all out of the box?

11 лет назад
johndillon wrote:
On it says "Text options on products (e.g. require initials for monogrammed products, require text name for product customization, etc)"

Is this done by simply creating a checkout attribute or are they referring to something cleverer?

We will be selling toys, and some toys are individual letters which can be purchased individually to spell out e.g. a childs name.
Lets say we have said toy as 1 product in the system and is £10.
At point of purchase I need users to be able to enter e.g. John, and for this to then calculate that this is in fact 4 individual products and there costs £40.

How is this achieveable if at all out of the box?


Use product variant attributes as in here
11 лет назад
eadameg wrote:
Use product variant attributes as in here

Thanks but this doesnt do what Im talking about. I need users to be able to enter text, and for that to affect the cost of the product.
e.g. If they enter 4 letters the cost of this product is 4*ProductCost (£40 if ProductCost=£10)
11 лет назад
johndillon wrote:
Use product variant attributes as in here

Thanks but this doesnt do what Im talking about. I need users to be able to enter text, and for that to affect the cost of the product.
e.g. If they enter 4 letters the cost of this product is 4*ProductCost (£40 if ProductCost=£10)

Sorry because I didn't get what you wanted. What you need is not available out of the box. The only way I find for you is to create a PV attribute for each letter ("First Letter", "Second Letter", etc.) each with: a price adjustment of £10 and values A to Z in drop-box control type.
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