Extract customer attributes

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11 лет назад

I need to extract customer attributes in order to build a customer profile.

I need to extract City,Country, Birth Date, Name, Sex.
How can I build a query?

I would like to use SQL Server Management Studio and build a query but I don't be able to understand how to link different tables. From Nop Admin area (i use nopcommerce 2.8) it is not possible to extract these attributes.

Can you help me to build the correct query?

Thanks in advance.
11 лет назад
assuming you know how to connect to the db via something like sql studio then something like this is a start

SELECT     dbo.Customer.Id, dbo.Customer.Username, dbo.Customer.Email, dbo.CustomerAttribute.[Key], dbo.CustomerAttribute.Value
FROM         dbo.Customer INNER JOIN
                      dbo.CustomerAttribute ON dbo.Customer.Id = dbo.CustomerAttribute.CustomerId

this will link the customer table and the customer attributes. you will need to modify the query (can be done is design mode) to suit your needs
11 лет назад
Table CustomerAttribute doesn't exist in nop 2.8.
And how can I extract city, country and data birth?
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