nopCommerce 3.00 released

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11 лет назад
[email protected] wrote:
Is it possible to implement free text product search.

I am trying to implement lusine search for that.

if u have know any other way for that please let me know.

You also look at this Solr plugin that integrate Solr (which is based on lucene, and more powerful too.) with nopCommerce.
11 лет назад
domenico.neri wrote:
Good work!

Can you explain the difference scenario when need to use multi-store and when to use multi-vendor?

Thanks, Domenico.

Nop-Templates and Nop-Accelerate provide a very good explanation in their blog
11 лет назад
SUGGESTION: I think it is important to update main Nop features (at least mobile, multi-store and multi-vendor) information in Codeplex  (1.5 years old)  and MS Web Gallery since both sites have very high traffic.
11 лет назад
eadameg wrote:
SUGGESTION: I think it is important to update main Nop features (at least mobile, multi-store and multi-vendor) information in Codeplex  (1.5 years old)  and MS Web Gallery since both sites have very high traffic.

Sure. Done.
11 лет назад says..... 3.0 is Awesome.  

Just converted my Site and Theme from 2.6 to 3.0 and got it live very fast and seamless, without any issues.  Thank you NopCommerce Team.  

Have not used the new Multi-Store and Multi-Vendor yet... That will be used very soon.  

I do have to say that the performance on Azure is a little slow, so left it on Arvixe for now...  Evaluating site on Azure.  

This is Production site:

This is same code base on Azure:

I am open to comments and suggestions on the project.  Did custom Menu, Sliders, and a quick theme.

Thank you

Manoj Modi
11 лет назад
UPDATE: If you downloaded nopCommerce 3.00 on May 4th - May 9th (the first five days after the release), then please re-download the package. A Facebook authentication issue was fixed in it. Please find more info about the issue here or simply apply the changeset 769663c2957a.
11 лет назад
a.m. wrote:
UPDATE: If you downloaded nopCommerce 3.00 on May 4th - May 9th (the first five days after the release), then please re-download the package. A Facebook authentication issue was fixed in it. Please find more info about the issue here or simply apply the changeset 769663c2957a.

Is the package in Windows Web App Gallery fixed or does it contain the bug?
11 лет назад
Is it possible to use the Multi-Store-Feature with Azure-Websites?
11 лет назад
ckoch1979 wrote:
Is the package in Windows Web App Gallery fixed or does it contain the bug?

I've submitted the new package but it's still not published yet. We need to wait some time until MS team publishes it.
11 лет назад
ckoch1979 wrote:
Is it possible to use the Multi-Store-Feature with Azure-Websites?

If Windows Azure allows you to configure CNAME required to set up mutli-store, then YES

P.S. I don't know whether they allow it
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