nopcommerce table mapping

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11 лет назад
i have installed nopcommerce , in database , tables name are start with Nop_ , but from the c# code, using code first in EF it create database without Nop_ extension, Than how this is mapping the tables between them. please help me
11 лет назад
Which version do you use? Table names in v2.80 (and perhaps previous versions as well) do not start with Nop.
11 лет назад
r_omar wrote:
Which version do you use? Table names in v2.80 (and perhaps previous versions as well) do not start with Nop.

thanks for ur using version 1.80.
11 лет назад
mehdymahmood wrote:

thanks for ur using version 1.80.

You are welcome. I wish I could help. But I didn't get the chance to work with v1.80 before. Hopefully, some of the more experienced folks in the community should be able to help you. Good luck.
11 лет назад
Yes, EF creates the tables.  The names should be obvious.  What is it you need to know?
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