Email not being Sent

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14 лет назад

Whenever I try to send E-mail that contains HTML images I always get an error message as:  

Transaction failed. The server response was: 5.6.0 Your mail message was flagged as spam. Message not accepted

Please let me know the solution to fix this.
Gurpreet Singh
14 лет назад
is your email been rejected by target mail server? you can try test mail in admin page->global settings->mail
14 лет назад

I tried sending the E-Mail from the Admin Section only (Global Settings) but I am getting the same error message:

Transaction failed. The server response was: 5.6.0 Your mail message was flagged as spam. Message not accepted

Basically I had created a common template (a HTML design) and that template gets embedded with every outgoing email and whenever the body of the E-Mail being sent contains HTML image tags (i.e. <img src="URL" alt="ALTERNATE TEXT" /> ) I get that Error Message. If I remove the image tags from the HTML being sent the E-Mail is sent successfully.

Gurpreet Singh
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