RESOLVED - After editing Topic details (Privacy Notice) the details will not display on Public Store

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14 лет назад
Good day,

I had this also occur to the Conditions of Use topic but I managed to solve that--I have no idea how this was solved, I just know that when I selected the link from the public store homepage I would get no detail, and then a bit later it appeared to be working.

I did change the page "Name" of the page in the Manage Topics screen, but I think I set them back to what they should be.  Is this a potential source of this problem?

So far everything else is working as advertised.  

Thanks for any help.  

Regards,  Bill Leonard
14 лет назад
Language:  English  
Topic:  PrivacyInfo  
Title:    PrivacyInfo XXXX
Topic URL:  

I suspect your issue is a timeout issue.

Try pretyping your text, copy and paste. And hit that "SAVE" button.
14 лет назад
Thank you for your response.  That did not help me though.  Here is the full detail--perhaps I am stepping on my own feet here but can't see it.  

I went into admin and then into the Content Management, Topics, made sure I was in the row for "PrivacyNotice" and then selected the Edit Topic Content on the right hand side.  The edit screen comes up and shows my information still entered in there.  The Topic URL shows this

and if I select it I will see my privacynotice content displayed in the poblic store window.  The Windows address-window shows this url as:

If I then, while in the public store display, hit refresh, the url appears as:

and...the screen is blank.  

So, there must be something that links these URLs together?  Any additional suggestions are appreciated.

Regards,  Bill Leonard
14 лет назад
At this point I would be inclined to say that you have a created a duplicte set of files at 2 levels.


The root of you store and all files associated came in a package
You either put them all in the root or into a sub folder, but never in both levels or

The other possibility is you edited one of the C# files and it nolong works
or the pointer is now wrong.

Personally, if your not a coding kind of guy, I would wipe the install folder back to pristene
and start over, just a little slower.

Have a good day
14 лет назад

"I did change the page "Name" of the page in the Manage Topics screen, but I think I set them back to what they should be.  Is this a potential source of this problem?"

Yes, this appears to be the source of your problem, the PrivacyInfo page loads the topic by topic name. If you change the topic "Name" back to "PrivacyInfo" in Admin  >  Content Management  >  Manage Topics,  it should work as intended.

File: PrivacyInfo.aspx (for reference: this is what loads the topic contents for the page)

<nopCommerce:Topic ID="topicPrivacyInfo" runat="server" TopicName="PrivacyInfo">

14 лет назад
MB is the man!

I thought that might have been an important factoid and I am so glad that I included it when I explained the problem.  And thank you for reading the detail.  

So, in the end it took 14 seconds from start to finish.  I appreciate your assist more than you know.  

Regards,  Bill Leonard
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