facebook login

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10 лет назад

I'm trying to add facebook login to my nop 3.2 application - www.sexydress.co.il

1. I have created the facebook application.
2. copied the App secret and App ID to nop.
3. activated nop external login.

The issue is - while login to facebook, I'm pushing the "facebook login" button on my nop application. I recieve the facebook window which says that there is a link and a message that the link was created - Yet no new nop account is created....!!! So what am I missing? how does it suppose to work? ones a person login via facebook a new account should be created based on his facebook data...?

Please help...

10 лет назад
Have you enabled "Auto Register" under *domain*/Admin/Setting/CustomerUser/External Authentication Settings?
10 лет назад
Send you PM. I am able to setup without problems on Multi store sites.
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