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14 лет назад

I was wondering if anybody has developed a threecolumn.masterpage.  I have a project I am working on that really requires this.  If I modify an existing master page I get the error that my new page  does not exist in nopSolutions.

Is it possible to do this?

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks :)
14 лет назад
This is pretty easy.  Just create a new MasterPage called threecolumn.master in MasterPages directory.  Then on all you content pages i.e Default change to

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPages/ThreeColumn.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
    Inherits="NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Default" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" %>

Obvisouly you will need to add some extra controls and css.

Hope this helps.

14 лет назад
Yeah I did all that but when I upload the page it says it's not part of the NopSolution.
14 лет назад
Hold on, I may have missed something.  I will let you know.

14 лет назад
you need to recompile.
14 лет назад
For some reason that never occurred to me.

Thanks, for the help!
14 лет назад
Okay, it doesn't work.  There is some compiled code somewhere where all these object are stored I think.

The project will not recompile, when you add a ThreeColumn.Master.  Below is the error:

Error  1  Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.MasterPages.ThreeColumn'.  C:\Users\Dan\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\WebSites\nopcomm\MasterPages\ThreeColumn.master  1  

Thanks, Dan
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